Work with Monica to learn how to find your soulmate and connect with them deeply while gaining the clarity to discern if they are the right fit



Are you serious about finding love? The Intentional Dating and Discernment Package will create a roadmap to attracting and building a healthy and fulfilling relationship 

A Soul-filled Relationship can happen when you can:

  • Clarify the qualities that you are looking for in a partner and follow a roadmap for how to attract him/her
  • Craft questions to help you evaluate the right match
  • Discern if the one you are dating is the right match for a healthy and happy marriage
  • Evaluate boundaries to help you keep you feeling safe while leaning into vulnerability
  • Choose partners that encourage you to become your best and truest self
  • Learn methods of communicating that inspire emotional intimacy
  • Create more meaningful and less superficial connections 
  • Design a healthy partnership according to your deepest needs

If you are ready to attract the “one” and develop a deep soul-filled connection then click the link to set up a call with me.  


Empower yourself to make 2023 the year for love and transform your dating life from single to soulmate and attract the love you are so worthy of.

Take the next step and set up a call with me.


Is the Intentional Dating Package the only package you offer?

No. I offer a coaching package that focuses on polarity – feminine/masculine to help you build a healthy foundation for a relationship. 

How many sessions does each package offer?

It depends on the package you choose.

How do the sessions work?

We meet via zoom to work through the workbook together. In addition to the workbook, I also individualize the coaching package to your specific needs, including creating resources. During the sessions I support you through any challenges or resistance that come up for you.

Am I guaranteed to meet my match?

No, there is no quick fix to meet your perfect match. But, I believe as you continue to practice intentional dating you will attract the right person to you.

Can you support me with the relationship I am in?

The coaching program is meant to help you gain confidence so that you can make the best decisions for your relationship though my discernment process.

Is it individual or group coaching?

Individual or group coaching is available. 


The Intentional Dating and Discernment Package will include:

A soul-filled and healthy relationship can happen when you follow this process:

Part I: Intentional Dating 

Streamline the dating process and empower yourself to make the right decisions for your relationships regarding what you need in a partner emotionally and mentally.

Part II: Awaken Your Feminine Side/Masculine Side

Craft your communication to allow your femininity/masculinity to become magnetic.

Part III: Be Your Authentic Self, Express Your Voice, and Lean Into Vulnerability

Let your true self shine.

Pillar IV: Discern

Inspired by Ignatius Spirituality, discern if they are the right fit for you.

Pillar V: Personalized Dating

Meet other singles just like you via Zoom 

Responsibilities as your coach:

  • 100% commitment to you
  • An interactive dialogue
  • Help you reach your relationship goals
  • A friend and sister for your journey

Your responsibility

  • Being honest with yourself
  • Willing cooperation to listen to advice
  • Accountability for positive change
  • Completing homework
  • Being creative and having fun with it!

***Monica Braun was proudly selected by Brainz Magazine as one of 500 companies and Influential Leaders who are recognized for their entrepreneurial success, achievement, and dedication to helping others.

BR 500 Large

I started Monica’s program in hopes to help me clear my mindset of toxic relationship I was in. Monica was a great listener and gave me tips and tools to improve my mindset and empower myself. I am now engaged to be married! 

Melissa, Retail Manager

Monica’s coaching helped me prioritize the values I was looking for in a man and taught me a process in which to find him. I am now happily married!

Dominique, Educational Assistant

I had a fair amount of dating experience before I started working with Monica, but I was still blind to some of my unhealthy thinking habits and conversational weaknesses. Monica’s exercises helped me overcome what had caused me to stumble with several other women, and I successfully started a strong relationship by the end of the 12-week program that lead to an engagement, marriage, and family life! 

Aaron, Logistics Coordinator

I used to struggle with my self confidence with women. After applying the exercises, I am signifcantly more confident and can interact with women with a self assurance and  composure that has lead to an amazing relationship!

Patrick, Prosecuting Attorney

I just finished Monica’s wonderful program, and I highly recommend it for anyone who feels called to the vocation of marriage, especially those who have waited for this vocation longer than he or she would have wanted. Monica has given me tools, concepts, and insights that I will continue to apply and use in my dating life. Monica has been such a wise, insightful, supportive, and encouraging presence in my life – it has been such a gift to have a great friend walk beside me as I navigate the dating world. And I am happy to announce that after applying her framework, I am now in a happy and fulfilling relationship!

Katie, Nurse


Before I started working with Monica, I lacked the confidence to put myself out there in the dating world. After working with Monica , I am now engaged to be married with a man I love dearly. 

Monica’s coaching helped me with my confidence in talking to men.She helped me see the man’s perspective in a relationship, and helped me accept and love myself which helped me in turn accept affection from others. She also helped me choose a dating app and gave me a process for which to attract the right man to me. Together, we discerned if he was the right fit for me. 

I am so grateful for having the opportunity to work with Monica who has been my constant cheerleader in my dating experiences. If you are struggling in any way with finding real connection in a relationship, Monica has the experience and the tools to help you.


Dawn, Special Education Teacher



Through her provided workbooks and meditations I have moved from a place of feeling stuck and spiritually imprisoned to a greater sense of the gifts God has in store for me… Her partnership, presence and feedback invite you to open your heart as you are able and move you onward.
Working with Monica I was able to break down the steps of intentional dating into manageable pieces. I tentatively navigated myself through numerous challenges from my past and her tools assisted me with further healing as I looked ahead at my future toward a loving relationship.


Colleen, Writer

Monica’s program helped me identify the mistakes  that I made in my past relationship and find healing so that I could  open my heart to receive love again! Her guided discernment program helped empower me to go forward with a wonderful man. Because of Monica’s program, I am now engaged to be married and I am head over heels in love!
Dana, Retail Manager

After coaching with Monica, I realized that I needed more affirmations for myself and to believe in the positive feminine energy that I didn’t know I had. She guided me in the right direction to fully open myself up to love and to be treated with respect.  I am now in a relationship with a wonderful man who is giving and caring!  Thank you so much Monica!
M. O’Neil, Special Education Teacher

Before coaching I struggled with self confidence and value. After working with Monica I am more trusting of God’s will for my life and following the path He has laid out for me. I met a wonderful man on Catholic Match once I got out of my own way and let God take care of it. We are now engaged!
      Victoria, Social Worker





Before working with Monica, I struggled with making meaningful connections on dates. But after working with Monica, I am better able to express who I am as a man, and was able to start a relationship with a wonderful woman.
Matt, Nurse



Before working with Monica I struggled with discerning whether I truly felt called to marriage or even wanted this in my life. After working with Monica on the Ignatian Program inspired by Ignatius Spirituality applied to Dating, I felt challenged to confront my perception on dating and marriage. It helped me grow spiritually in better communion with the Holy Spirit and deepen my prayer life and view of relationships. Although Ignatian Spirituality can be challenging, I highly recommend this program and Monica’s guidance for anyone who is discerning dating or marriage or just hitting a plateau in dating in general.  I have came to the realization that I am meant to be married, and I am now engaged to be married! Monica’s energy and authenticity is a precious bonus. She is truly called to this ministry and is a blessing to everyone who has the privilege to work with her! 
Mechelle, MD 



 It seemed like it would never come to pass but God answered my prayers. Although I am Licensed Professional Counselor, I struggled to meet men who shared values similar to mine. I was on the verge of giving up but Monica encouraged me to keep trying, trying different methods of meeting new men.Through Monica’s program, I worked on activating my feminine more and prioritizing my deepest needs in a relationship. God has a real sense of humor when he sent me an Eagle fan , when I am a die hard Cowboy fan! Despite his choice in football teams, he has all of the priorities that I am looking for in a relationship and I have never been happier!
Rae, Therapist



“I cannot speak too highly of the beautiful work Monica is doing through her coaching program!  She is thoughtful, organized, deeply spiritual, and totally given to helping her clients grow where they long to the most!  Over the years, I have struggled tremendously with relationships, but taking the time to work alongside Monica over a period of a couple months helped gain me the spiritual strength and confidence in God that I needed to heal.  During our time together, I was able to begin the process of building a firm foundation with the man I hope to marry next year, if God wills it!  Thanks so much, Monica!”
Mary H., Teacher



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