About Monica

dating coach Monica Braun, her soulmate Chris, and their children

Monica Braun is a Christian Relationship Coach for single men and women. She founded Soul to Soul Coaching to help support single men and women live a soul centered life within their relationships. Inspired by the lessons that she learned from dating, she developed an Intentional Dating and Discernment Method that she implemented in her own personal life to go from single to soulmate. 

Monica is a devout Catholic and lives with her growing family in Southeastern, Wisconsin. 















































Speaking Engagements

dating coach Monica Braun, her soulmate Chris, and their children
Monica is available for speaking engagements upon request for the following topics: women’s empowerment, healing, christian/catholic topics, relationships, business, among other topics.

Feel free to email her at: soultosoul@monicamariebraun.com

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