There are different kinds of prayer depending on your intention.

Contemplative Prayer

It is stated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church that meditation engages thought, imagination, emotion, and desire. This mobilization of faculties is necessary in order to deepen our convictions of faith, prompt the conversion of our heart, and strengthen our will to follow Christ (2708).

This should be done heart-fully and with your mind and body. Often times when we pray, we do so with our minds and not our whole selves. The closer you choose to move toward Jesus, the closer He will get to you. The more time and energy you give to Him, the more you will feel His Divinity in and around you.

Father Richard Rohr, Franciscan friar and teacher says, “What you deeply intuited, suspected, desired, hoped for, that’s the soul. The discovery of God will eventually be parallel movements. You fall deeper into yourself. You fall deeper into God. You fall deeper into God; you have permission to fall deeper into yourself.” Meaning that the deeper connection you have with yourself, the deeper connection you will have with God. Discover what lies within and you will discover God!

This kind of prayer is powerful to listen for the Holy Spirit and where He is calling you. This encourages obedience to follow the will of God and takes great faith.

“Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts” Mother Teresa

Intercessory Prayer

This is the kind of prayer that allows you to pray with an intention to a saint for a specific purpose. This kind of prayer takes a certain level of fortitude and resilience to continue to pray until the Holy Spirit answers your prayer, in one way or another.

Questions to ask yourself:

-Are you praying enough for your future spouse?

-Are you praying enough and allowing yourself to listen for the Holy Spirit directing your next steps?

-Are you asking the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom for what exactly to pray for?


St. Ignatius taught that the desires of your heart our often the way forward for God’s plan for your life. So, notice your desires and walk forward. Often times, the best way forward is taking the first step!

And of course we remember what the bible tells us “We know that all things work for good for those who love God” Romans Chapter 8.

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